COVID-19 is a highly contagious virus that spreads from person to person. In addition to long-held and explicit sanitation measures this business has always adhered to, preventative measures have been put in place to further reduce the spread of coronavirus. However, these best practices still offer no guarantee regarding your potential risk of being infected.
Due to Covid-19 there will be a few changes to your experience:
A mask is encouraged upon entering the elevator to the building and when you are in the common areas.
There is hand sanitizer by the door and the option to wash your hands at the sink
I have added more time between appointments to do additional cleaning and disinfecting
An air purifier will be running the entire time of your treatment and I open the window wide in between sessions for at least 30 minutes to air out the room
I will still be wearing a mask throughout our interaction even though I have been vaccinated.
The cleaning and disinfecting procedures that were already in place:
Soap and water are used to clean all tools and they are then placed in a Barbicide disinfectant solution
All linens are washed with hot water and bleach. No linens that have not been washed will be used on different clients
Surfaces and products are cleaned with either a bleach solution, Barbicide solution, or 90% isopropyl alcohol
My hands are washed before I meet you, at the beginning of your treatment, and when I am cleaning up